A Creative Life – Earrings, Gardening, Community And How They All Connect

For a while now, I’ve been sharing about my products and my garden and connection to nature. However, I’ve been finding it difficult to name my vision and to connect all the parts together. Through lots of reflection, chatting, and learning, I’m ready to own it and to step into my purpose with confidence. Earrings, gardening, nature, and community connect together through our newly realised holistic art practice.

A shot from my studio taken by Samee Lapham showing the process of mess, materials and nature as inspiration.


This blog serves as an introduction to the renewed purpose of To The Trees. It’s more than just a place to buy earrings or art (though you can find those here too). Instead, it’s a space where you’re gently encouraged to reconnect with the earth, consider our impact on the planet, and take meaningful action.

My journey as an artist has undergone significant evolution. I transitioned from a service-based designer to embracing the title of artist and sharing my own experiences and thoughts through my art. While the term ‘artist’ has often evoked images of elite creators whose work adorns the walls of prestigious galleries, I’ve come to realise that to me being an artist means using creative expression to explore and understand the world around us—so I suppose I am part of that category.

inspiration & Connection

Nature has always been my primary inspiration. From a simple admiration and curiosity about native Australian plants and animals to using my imaginative artworks to celebrate moments in nature and community. My hope has always been that others would see these pieces and be reminded of their own innate connection with the Earth’s beauty and vitality. 

I want to encourage the small moments of connection and joy we can have with nature – let’s notice, name and share these moments! For instance, chatting over a pair of cockatoo earrings often leads to shared experiences of the joy elicited by the call of a yellow-tailed black cockatoo, or the excitement of spotting them flying overhead. When we voice our connection to nature, it becomes stronger, we notice more and it ignites a part of ourselves that is always there, waiting to be reconnected to the source of life we all share on this earth. These interactions leave me feeling hopeful and connected, and I hope they do the same for those who engage with me, regardless of whether they make a purchase.

An abundant harvest, part of connecting to nature and creativity for me has been through gardening, the problem solving, observation and lack of control has been a beautiful learning experience and something I treasure in my life.
So what does this mean for me as a business and an artist?

I’ll still be creating and selling Australian Made art prints, cards, and earrings. Alongside, with a core collection of eco-conscious designs available all year round, with 5% of the profits being shared between The Wilderness Society, Pay the Rent, and Transcend Australia. As well as the core range, I’ll be releasing collections that each focus on a particular cause important to me.

The first collection of 2024 is the Wild Life Rescue collection that puts focus on native animals that are negatively impacted by human with 5% of the profits being donated to Wombat Protection Society and Sydney Wildlife Rescue.


Also on the cards is more education opportunities, I discovered that I really love teaching and helping people reconnect to their creative self is my deep passion. I fully believe every single person is creative, it is innate to us as human beings. I’ll be sharing the process of trying to develop at daily creative connection practice and helping to redefine our thoughts around creativity. Make sure you’re following over on instagram to keep up to date with that journey!


My family and I practice ‘active hope’ I’ll be sharing how we do that and the steps we take in our lives, using our privilege to positively impact the world. Yes we’re running out of time, we need big changes, yes we need corporations to change their behaviour, we need a world wide mindset shift to be “a part of the world, not apart from” the earth. I can believe that and take action to push for that while also believing that treading gently where my feet touch the earth also has an impact and is worthwhile. 

A still from a solo freestyle dance performance I did after a year of dancing with BEGEKI
(yes dancing is a part of our creative expression and will be included in the process!)

Let’s reconnect with our creative selves! We’ll notice our impact, cure apathy with action, and nourish our creative souls. Through this journey towards a holistic art practice, we’ll rekindle connections with each other and with ourselves.